I know how You know when grown-ups tell you ‚everything’s going to be fine‘ and you think they’re probably lying to make you feel better? Saving the world with meals on wheels. The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad...
You guys Tell him time is of the essence. Under normal circumstances, I’d take that as a compliment. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. I will not kill my sister. God created pudding, and then he rested. He taught me a code. To survive....
You, a bobsleder!? That I’d like to see! No! Don’t jump! There’s one way and only one way to determine if an animal is intelligent. Dissect its brain! Bender! Ship! Stop bickering or I’m going to come back there and change your opinions...
Im nobody’s taxi service; I’m not gonna be there to catch you every time you feel like jumping out of a spaceship. *Insistently* Bow ties are cool! Come on Amy, I’m a normal bloke, tell me what normal blokes do! Did I mention we have comfy chairs?...
We’ll need to have I love Halloween. The one time of year when everyone wears a mask … not just me. I’m going to tell you something that I’ve never told anyone before. I’m not the monster he wants me to be. So I’m neither man nor beast....
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